1. Introduction

This tutorial in under construction!

In this tutorial, we’ll upgrade the Finisher.Tech website from version v0.9.2 to v1.0.0. We’ll be exercising the following practices and technologies while doing this:

2. Software

2.1. Requirements

  1. Bash installed. [bash-version]

  2. Git installed. [git-version]

  3. GitHub CLI installed. [gh-version]

  4. Node.js installed. [node-version]

  5. Yarn installed. [yarn-version]

  6. rsync installed. [rsync-version]

  7. sed installed. [sed-version]

  8. Pandoc installed. [pandoc-version]


  1. An IDE (like IntelliJ IDEA or Visual Studio Code).

2.2. Versions

My environment and software versions used in this tutorial:

$ sw_vers
ProductName:	Mac OS X
ProductVersion:	10.15.7
BuildVersion:	19H2
$ git --version
git version 2.30.0
$ gh --version | head -1
gh version 1.4.0 (2020-12-15)
$ node -v
$ yarn -v
$ sed --version | head -1
gsed (GNU sed) 4.8
$ rsync --version | head -1
rsync  version 2.6.9  protocol version 29
$ pandoc --version | head -1

3. Our starting point

3.1. Downloading this tutorial

$ mkdir -p ~/tmp
$ cd ~/tmp && d=finishertech-website-tutorial; rm -rf $d
$ gh repo clone paulojeronimo/$d && cd $d

3.2. Downloading and testing Finisher.Tech website 0.9.2

The version v0.9.2 of the Finisher.Tech website was created by following this tutorial.
You can also watch the videos in this playlist.

$ cd ~/tmp/$d && d=finishertech-website; rm -rf $d
$ gh repo clone finishertech/finishertech.github.io $d && cd $d
$ git checkout v0.9.2-src
$ yarn install
$ yarn start

At this point we navigate through the website and its code and, after that, we stop its execution started above with a Ctrl+C.

4. Generating and reading the file events.json from an independent GitHub repository

4.1. Creating the repository and reading the file from it

$ cd ..; rm -rf finishertech-website-data && mkdir $_ && cd $_ && d=$_
$ yarn init -y
$ yarn add typescript @types/node ts-node
$ `yarn bin`/tsc --init
$ yarn add jest @types/jest ts-jest
$ `yarn bin`/jest --init
✔ Would you like to use Jest when running "test" script in "package.json"? … yes
$ echo node_modules > .gitignore
$ git init; git add .
$ yarn add jest-cucumber --dev
$ git apply ../patches/$d/jest.config.ts.diff
$ (cd ../initial/$d; rsync -R cucumber/events-scenarios.feature ../../$d)
$ (cd ../initial/$d; rsync -R cucumber/events-scenarios.steps.ts ../../$d)
$ yarn test
$ git add .
$ yarn add fs
$ git apply ../patches/$d/cucumber/events-scenarios.steps.ts.diff
$ cp ../finishertech-website/src/events.json .
$ yarn test
$ git add .
$ git commit -m 'Feature "Events Management", Scenario "Creating events from an existing file" passed'

4.2. Creating events.yaml and generating events.json from it

4.2.1. Creating events.yaml from events.json

$ yarn add js-yaml --dev
$ echo tmp >> .gitignore
$ mkdir tmp
$ `yarn bin`/js-yaml events.json > tmp/events.yaml

4.2.2. Converting body element to AsciiDoc format

$ cd tmp
$ sed -n '6,60p' events.yaml > 1.html
$ pandoc --wrap=none -f html -t asciidoc 1.html > 1.adoc
$ sed -n '66,230p' events.yaml > 2.html
$ pandoc --wrap=none -f html -t asciidoc 2.html > 2.adoc
$ for f in {1,2}.adoc; do \
sed -i 's/\([^ ]\) \([,\?\.]\)/\1\2/g' $f; \
sed 's/^/    /g' $f > $f.indented ; \
$ sed -i -e '66,230d' -e '6,60d' events.yaml
$ sed -i -e '10r 2.adoc.indented' -e '5r 1.adoc.indented' events.yaml
$ sed -i -e 's/^    $//g' events.yaml
$ cp events.yaml ..
$ cd ..
  1. sed on my environmet is gsed.

4.2.3. Validating events.yaml

$ yarn add yaml-validator --dev
$ `yarn bin`/yaml-validator -w events.yaml

4.3. Using Asciidoctor.js

4.4. Creating events.json programatically

4.5. Puting aside events.yaml and generating events.json from individuals AsciiDoc files

5. Adicional resources

React and the first version of the Finisher.Tech website tutorial:
BDD, Cucumber, Jest Cucumber: