Here I show you my steps to put Cloud Foundry running on my MacBook Pro through Bosh Lite. My intention is to prepare an environment to deploy some UAA labs that I’ll write in a nearby future. I’m not detailing concepts, writing extensive comments or explaining each command at this moment. I just show you the command and its output. So, if you want details read the references for each topic.

This is a work in progress.

1. Prerequisites

The prerequisites are listed in this page:

Some details relative to my macOS environment:
  • All my commands in this tutorial where did on a MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2016) with 16 GB of memory, 2.7 GHz quad-core processor.

  • I use Homebrew to install packages on my mac. I have details about how I use and install Homebrew in my environment in this page (pt-br).

  • I use Bash version 4 on my macOS:

    $ echo $BASH_VERSION

    Details about why and how to install this version of Bash can be found in this post. To resume, the following commands does the upgrade:

    brew update && brew install bash && sudo bash -c 'echo /usr/local/bin/bash >> /etc/shells' && chsh -s /usr/local/bin/bash
  • I prefer to use the GNU version of sed to make my scripts compatible with Linux environments. To do this you can see this question on Stack Overflow. To resume, the following commands does this change:

    brew install gnu-sed --with-default-names
  • The VirtualBox version on my machine is shown in the output of the following command:

    $ VBoxManage --version
  • The additional dependencies necessary to run bosh-cli are installed.

Install bosh-cli using Homebrew:

brew install cloudfoundry/tap/bosh-cli

Check your bosh version:

$ bosh -v
version 4.0.1-a18c7230-2018-05-23T23:11:20Z


2. Install

If you are trying to reinstalling the environment first execute the steps in Uninstall.

Recreate (if existent) ~/bosh-env/virtualbox and change your current dir to it:

rm -rf ~/bosh-env && mkdir -p $_/virtualbox && cd $_

Clone bosh-deployment repo:

git clone



Output (on my machine): output.1.txt.

Read .envrc variables to your current shell:

source .envrc

Configure bosh to use vbox environment:

bosh -e vbox env

Output (on my machine): output.8.txt

3. Stemcell upload

Upload a stemcell:

bosh -e vbox upload-stemcell --sha1 11e6461b4aca491e28a90686fe9c92dda03d9dc2

Output (on my machine): output.6.txt.

The version specified on the above command usually are updated in bosh-deployment like in this commit. So, pay attention if you are having problems in future executions of this tutorial.

4. Cloud Foundry Deploy

git clone
cd cf-deployment

When I was updating this tutorial the version of stemcell used had not yet been updated to 3586.23 on cf-deployment.yml. So, the next command does this change:

sed -i 's/3586.16/3586.23/g' cf-deployment.yml
bosh -e vbox update-cloud-config iaas-support/bosh-lite/cloud-config.yml

Output (on my machine): output.5.txt

bosh -e vbox -d cf deploy cf-deployment.yml \
  -o operations/bosh-lite.yml \
  --vars-store deployment-vars.yml \

Output (on my machine): output.4.txt

As you can see in this output, this is the most time-consuming command in this tutorial. (1 hour and 35 minutes on my machine). This is because many downloads and compilation tasks will be executed. This command can possibly crash (this happened o few times on my machine). In that case, I just re-executed the command.

5. Logging into the CF API

Add the following route so you will be able to reach the CF API and also bosh ssh to the instances you deployed:

sudo route add -net

To execute the next commands, we need cf-cli installed. The references in the previously topic explain this. But, to resume, the cf-cli can be installed by typing this two command lines:

brew tap cloudfoundry/tap
brew install cf-cli
$ cf api --skip-ssl-validation
Setting api endpoint to

api endpoint:
api version:    2.113.0
export CF_ADMIN_PASSWORD=$(bosh int ./deployment-vars.yml --path /cf_admin_password)
$ cf auth admin $CF_ADMIN_PASSWORD
API endpoint:
Use 'cf target' to view or set your target org and space.
$ cf create-org paulojeronimo-org
Creating org paulojeronimo-org as admin...

Assigning role OrgManager to user admin in org paulojeronimo-org ...

TIP: Use 'cf target -o "paulojeronimo-org"' to target new org
$ cf orgs
Getting orgs as admin...

$ cf target -o paulojeronimo-org
api endpoint:
api version:    2.113.0
user:           admin
org:            paulojeronimo-org
No space targeted, use 'cf target -s SPACE'
$ cf create-space paulojeronimo-dev
Creating space paulojeronimo-dev in org paulojeronimo-org as admin...
Assigning role RoleSpaceManager to user admin in org paulojeronimo-org / space paulojeronimo-dev as admin...
Assigning role RoleSpaceDeveloper to user admin in org paulojeronimo-org / space paulojeronimo-dev as admin...

TIP: Use 'cf target -o "paulojeronimo-org" -s "paulojeronimo-dev"' to target new space
$ cf target -o "paulojeronimo-org" -s "paulojeronimo-dev"
api endpoint:
api version:    2.113.0
user:           admin
org:            paulojeronimo-org
space:          paulojeronimo-dev

6. Deploy a sample app

$ cd ~/bosh-env
$ git clone
$ cd spring-music
$ ./gradlew assemble
cf push --hostname spring-music

Output (on my machine): output.7.txt

Open the URL of the application. In my case (seeing the last output) this is the URL:

7. View the logs

cf apps

Output (on my machine): output.9.txt

cf logs spring-music --recent

Output (on my machine): output.a.txt

8. Connect a Database

9. Scale the app

10. Additional Commands

bosh stemcells

Output (on my machine): output.b.txt

bosh releases

Output (on my machine): output.c.txt

bosh vms

Output (on my machine): output.d.txt

11. Optional steps (Beyond Cloud Foundry Deploy)

11.1. Zookeper Deploy

bosh -e vbox -d zookeeper deploy <(wget -O-

Output (on my machine): output.2.txt

bosh -e vbox -d zookeeper run-errand smoke-tests

Output (on my machine): output.3.txt

We can repeat this command many times if we want. Only the task number will be incremented.

11.2. Enabling SSH Access

$ bosh int creds.yml --path /jumpbox_ssh/private_key > jumpbox.key
$ chmod 600 jumpbox.key
$ bosh -e vbox env
Using environment '' as client 'admin'
$ ssh jumpbox@ -i jumpbox.key

12. Start/Stop

Stop cf vm instances:

bosh -e vbox -d cf stop --hard

Output (on my machine): output.e.txt

Check status:

$ bosh vms
Using environment '' as client 'admin'

Task 29. Done

Deployment 'cf'

Instance  Process State  AZ  IPs  VM CID  VM Type  Active

0 vms


Start cf vm instances:

bosh -e vbox -d cf start

Output (on my machine): output.f.txt

The above commands stop bosh vms only. To start/stop bosh lite, you need to follow this steps.

13. Uninstall

This will remove the created VMs from Virtualbox:

cd ~/bosh-env/virtualbox

Output (on my machine): uninstall.1.txt.

Bosh consumes a lot of disk space:

$ du -hsc ~/.bosh
4.7G	/Users/pj/.bosh
4.7G	total
$ du -hsc ~/.bosh_virtualbox_cpi
 24G	/Users/pj/.bosh_virtualbox_cpi
 24G	total

So, if you don’t mind to download all that is already downloaded/created, you can also type this commands:

rm -rf ~/.bosh ~/.bosh_virtualbox_cpi

14. Additional References