1. Azure CLI basics
1.1. Azure Cloud Shell
Open https://shell.azure.com.
Try the following commands after log in.
$ az account show $ az group list
$ az interactive
$ az group create --location brazilsouth \ --resource-group ExampleResourceGroup
$ az vm create -n ubuntu-vm1 -g ExampleResourceGroup \ --image UbuntuLTS --generate-ssh-keys --public-ip-sku Standard
$ ip=$(az vm show -d -g ExampleResourceGroup -n ubuntu-vm1 \ --query publicIps -o tsv) $ ssh $ip $ echo "$ip" > ~/.ssh/ip
1.2. Copy the Azure SSH keys to your machine using ngrok
Create an account on ngrok and start ngrok with your token as the example below:
$ ngrok config add-authtoken \ 2I0hm8rUyLEHK7iNp1z9cLwLaFp_4v4BVKTmfmBjKaj5VBScA
In the next command (below), open another terminal and start ngrok on
port 22 (keep this terminal open and running ngrok
$ ngrok tcp 22
I copied the Azure Cloud Shell ssh keys to my Ubuntu machine using this command:
$ (cd ~/.ssh; tar cf - ip id_rsa* | \ ssh -p10712 pj@0.tcp.sa.ngrok.io "cat > ~/az.tar")
After that, I my Ubuntu machine to access the remote ubuntu-vm1
created on Azure through the following steps:
$ mkdir -p ~/tmp/az && cd $_ && tar xf ~/az.tar && \ rename 's/id_rsa/az_id_rsa/' * && mv az_* ~/.ssh
$ echo -e "$(cat ~/tmp/az/ip)\taz-ubuntu-vm1" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts
$ cat <<'EOF' > ~/.ssh/config Host az-ubuntu-vm1 User paulo Identityfile ~/.ssh/az_id_rsa EOF
Finally, I test the access to az-ubuntu-vm1 from my Ubuntu machine:
$ ssh az-ubuntu-vm1
2. Kubernetes Service Deployment Center With GitHub Actions
2.1. Set up the Kubernetes Cluster
$ az interactive
az>> aks get-versions --location brazilsouth --output table
KubernetesVersion Upgrades
------------------- ------------------------
1.25.2(preview) None available
1.24.6 1.25.2(preview)
1.24.3 1.24.6, 1.25.2(preview)
1.23.12 1.24.3, 1.24.6
1.23.8 1.23.12, 1.24.3, 1.24.6
1.22.15 1.23.8, 1.23.12
1.22.11 1.22.15, 1.23.8, 1.23.12
$ repo=https://github.com/paulojeronimo/aks-acr-all-in-one $ git clone $repo && cd $(basename $repo)
$ vim aks-acr.sh $ sed -n '3,11p' aks-acr.sh GROUPNAME="KubernetesClusterTest" LOCATION="brazilsouth" AKSNAME="clockaks01" ACRNAME="clockacr01" # must be globally unique SUBID="b78bd654-cd04-4508-9cb0-6b167f287647" ### get version by running ### az aks get-versions --location $LOCATION --output table k8sversion="1.24.6"
$ bash aks-acr.sh
$ kubectl get pods --all-namespaces
$ az aks get-credentials --name clockaks01 -g KubernetesClusterTest Merged "clockaks01" as current context in /home/paulo/.kube/config
In my my react-clock-basic fork you can locate the
Kubernetes namespace using grep to search in the file .github/workflows/deploytoAksCluster.yml
$ grep 'kubectl create namespace' .github/workflows/deploytoAksCluster.yml echo `kubectl create namespace clockaks01b9e9`
So now you can use the found name to pass it to kubectl command here:
$ kubectl get pods --namespace clockaks01b9e9
$ kubectl get service --namespace clockaks01b9e9
2.2. Deploying the application
2.2.1. Configuring GitHub Repository Secrets
$ repo=https://github.com/paulojeronimo/react-clock-basic $ git clone https://github.com/paulojeronimo/react-clock-basic && cd $(basename $repo)
$ gh secret list
$ gh secret set ACR_CLOCKACR01_USERNAME -b \ "$(az acr credential show -n clockacr01 \ --query "username" -o tsv)"
$ gh secret set ACR_CLOCKACR01_PASSWORD -b \ "$(az acr credential show -n clockacr01 \ --query "passwords[0].value" -o tsv)"
$ gh secret set AKS_CLOCKAKS01_KUBECONFIG -b "$(< ~/.kube/config)"
2.3. References
Deployment Center for Azure Kubernetes -
Deploy to App Service using GitHub Actions -
Azure Kubernetes Service Deployment Center With GitHub Actions. -